Vermont SF Writer’s Series

Vermont SF Writer's Series

The Vermont SF Writer’s Series is a collaborative reading event between Geek Mountain State and local writing organizations, businesses and libraries, designed to promote and encourage local talent writing by engaging in speculative fiction.

This series features a rotating slate of authors every other month, often to a theme, split between Bear Pond Books of Montpelier and other select locations.

Authors range from professionally published to those well on their way to seeing their words in print. We’re continually on the lookout for authors of every type, and if you are or know someone who should be featured, please let us know!

In addition to authors, this series is also designed to engage with the local arts community and businesses which support it. Our readings typically draw 30-60 attendees, and we’re continually looking forward to our next readings. If you know of or own a location that would be interested in hosting a reading, please drop us a line.

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Seven Days:

Lit News: VT Science Fiction Writer’s Series; Renegade Reading

Author readings in Vermont tend to spotlight “literary” fiction, the kind of realistic, contemporary work that appears in journals thick with MFAs. But, as fans of science fiction and fantasy will be quick to point out, stories about time travel and postapocalyptic living can be just as artfully told as tales of time-shares and divorces. These days, those once-disrespected genres run the gamut from pulpy space operas to the literary sophistication of China Miéville or Margaret Atwood.

With its Vermont SF Writer’s Series, local blog Geek Mountain State is establishing opportunities for serious fans of science fiction, fantasy and horror to meet and, well, geek out.

Quick Lit: Vermont Writer Sells Show to Syfy; Fantastic Readings

Meanwhile, Geek Mountain State is gearing up for another of its popular readings, this one devoted to fantasy. Among the six writers at “Cold Mountain Stories: A Night of the Fantastic” will be Brian Staveley of Marlboro, whose novel The Emperor’s Blades was published in January by Tor Books. Already getting enthusiastic reviews from genre fans, it’s the first in an epic fantasy series called Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne.

Publisher’s Weekly:

Picture of the Day: Vermont Science Fiction at Phoenix Books

Vermont blog Geek Mountain State and Phoenix Books in Burlington, Vt., held the third event in the Vermont SF Writer’s series, Vermont Science Fiction, last Saturday.

WPTZ: The Valley CW:

Vermont writers showcase works locally 

BURLINGTON, Vt —Local writers got a chance to read their original works aloud Thursday.  The “Geek Mountain State Speculative Fiction Writers Series” event was held at Phoenix books in Burlington on Thursday evening.  Local writers read passages of their books, or novels, out loud to local patrons and family members.

18 thoughts on “Vermont SF Writer’s Series

  1. Pingback: Mark Your Calendars: Green Mountain Fantasy Reading Event | Geek Mountain State

  2. Pingback: Week in Geek | Geek Mountain State

  3. Pingback: Reminder: Cold Mountain State Reading | Geek Mountain State

  4. Pingback: Final Reminder: Cold Mountain State | Geek Mountain State

  5. Pingback: The Week in Geek | Geek Mountain State

  6. Pingback: Vermont SF Writer’s Series – Update | Geek Mountain State

  7. Pingback: Farewell to the Renegade Writer’s Collective | Geek Mountain State

  8. Did you know that Barnes and Noble (the local store) will sometimes do an event with a local author? But only if they carry the paperback, they take no notice of how many ebooks you may have listed with them.

  9. Pingback: About Geek Mountain State | Geek Mountain State

  10. Pingback: Events, appearances and conventions: Find me in 2015! | Michael J. Martinez

  11. Pingback: Post-vacation roundup of fun stuff | Michael J. Martinez

  12. Pingback: Your handy event reminders | Michael J. Martinez

  13. Pingback: Catching up post-vacation | Michael J. Martinez

  14. Pingback: The Springfield, VT Steampunk Festival is a retro-futurist extravaganza Sept. 11-12-13 | BERKSHIRE ON STAGE and SCREEN

  15. Pingback: Episode 261 – With Andrew Liptak

  16. I just discovered this through Amy J. Murphy’s site and it is great. I had no idea such things were happening; I hope they still are! Keep it going, please.

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